Professional Services

Looking for a Real Estate Broker who puts you first?

If you’re planning to lease, buy or sell a property; you want the process to go successfully. If you’re selling, success means getting your property sold quickly and for the highest price possible. If you’re buying, it means finding your next property and getting into it, affordably. On top of that, if you’re like most of my satisfied customers, you also want everything to go smoothly, with as little stress as possible.

How can you ensure all that happens? By working with a real estate broker who truly puts you first.

I’m proud to be the real estate broker of choice for those who want a great experience buying, selling and leasing many types of real estate. My “clients-first” approach means that you’ll be working with a professional who listens to you, provides expert advice, and works hard on your behalf.

I also put ethics before profits, so you can trust and count on me to uphold the ethics and business standards of behaviour defined by these governing bodies in my REALTOR® community.

These include:

As well as the ethics and business standards of Real Estate Boards, Associations and Chapters of which I am a current active member in good standing:

The Expert by Your Side, through-out the life of your investment

The Commercial Real Estate investment process is a multifaceted procedure to analyze, acquire, finance, manage, lease and sell a commercial property. There are many steps in the process from evaluating a broker sales package, to analyzing the market in which the property is located, touring the property, raising the appropriate amount of debt and equity capital, closing the acquisition and managing and leasing the property. Each of these steps is critical to a successful CRE property investment.

When you’re buying: My expertise in the local market means I can introduce you to investments that meet your criteria – and notify you immediately of brand new listings. I can advise you on what to look for when viewing an investment, so you don’t make a catastrophic mistake, and I can arm you with in-depth details on every property you see. When you find one you fall in love with, I know how to negotiate effectively so you get that property, at the best possible price. In fact, nothing pleases me more than saying, “The property is yours.”

When you’re holding: My services don’t end when the transaction is completed. My skills and knowledge in real estate leasing and investment means I can provide the analysis (forecasting cash flow, forecasting sales proceeds, calculating investment performance and capital accumulation) enabling you make many types of informed real estate decisions; through-out the entire life of your investment. Reduce your risk and maximize your potential by knowing when it is the best time to hold and do nothing, refinance as an alternative to sale, take equity out and invest in your property, take equity out and buy a new property, sell your property and reinvest, sale and lease back or diversify your holdings. As a valued client, you’re invited to contact me anytime you have a real estate related question or need help growing and managing your portfolio.

When you’re selling: My track record of success means I know how to showcase your property effectively, market and promote it so that it attracts qualified buyers and get it SOLD for the highest price. Throughout the process, I’m with you every step of the way, making sure your questions are answered, all the details are handled expertly, and the entire experience is a positive one.

The Right Real Estate Broker for You

My experience tells me, investors hoping to build a rock-solid diversified portfolio are better off partnering with an investor-focused REALTOR® than paying the higher long-term costs associated with choosing the wrong property.

Whether you’re leasing, buying or selling; it’s ultimately about realizing a dream. I understand how much the decision will mean to you. In fact, that’s one of the reasons I became a real estate broker– to help people buy, manage and sell real estate assets, while making the process easy and trouble-free. Clients often tell me how much they appreciate my professionalism, my willingness to be there with them every step of the way, and my determination to get them the best deal. They also tell me I’m friendly and a pleasure to work with – which is quite a compliment!

Next Steps

If you’re looking for a real estate broker, it’s important that you find someone who is a good fit for you. So let’s talk. Whether you’re selling or buying, I’d like to learn more about you and your needs and goals. You can count on me to “tell it like it is” and give you a realistic picture of what is possible.

Contact me to get in touch.

As a real estate professional who puts clients first, I look forward to hearing from you.